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Aceite de Nuez de Pino Siberiano con Resina de Cedro Puro Natural 100% Virgen Extra Prensado en Frío 100 ml / 3.4 fl oz
Fantastic product, I love it
Very very good, as i get Helicobacter pylori and it helped me after one week of taking the oil. Very grateful 🙏 i will be ordering again soon. Thank you
Aceite de Nuez de Pino Siberiano con Resina de Cedro Puro Natural 100% Virgen Extra Prensado en Frío 100 ml / 3.4 fl oz
I am a physician, so I know that skin cancer is caused by the common flat wart HPV. I was noticing some precancerous lesions, dry peeling skin, actinic keratosis on my face, so I applied this pine oil with resin repeatedly to my face and they disappeared. First I soaked the pine oil in ground up lavender and dried rose and passion fruit, all of which have anti-cancer properties, strained it and applied it several times a day. it is a luscious oil to apply to the skin.